New setups just once every 24 hours.
• No need to follow the markets pip by pip.
• No need to concern yourself with pip spreads (at least not to the degree day traders must).
• News and major market events will not continually knock out your trades – the best swing
trades go with the flow of news and market events.
• Fewer trades mean less fatigue, fewer mistakes and always smaller transaction costs.
• Swing trading complies with what forex brokers would prefer – we’re never looking to take
advantage of strategies that will only work for a short time until “broken” by forex brokers (like
electronic trade assist programs). Instead, swing trading will be just as viable a month from now
as it will be years from now.
• Getting your life back. For many of you, you’ve endured trading all hours of the day and night
wreaking havoc on your health and happiness – with the swing you can finally put that to rest.
• The ability to actually place your trades successfully. Day traders have considerably more
pressure to get trades placed quickly and accurately. Swing trading is simply more forgiving –
there is much more time to get a trade placed and it doesn’t require the precise and expedient
entry of orders and immediate management.
These are just some of the advantages and benefits you’ll be realizing fairly quickly with the
Swing Trader. We hope you’re as excited as we are to dig right in!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


1. Latihan perseorangan (personel couching)
2. Anda akan diberi software (indikator forex) swing trading
3. Anda akan diberi software money management dan akan diajar bagaimana menggunakannya. 95% Forex trader kehabisan wang dalam tempoh yg singkat kerana gagal memahami money management ataupun anda tidak diajar betapa pentingnya money management.
4. Anda akan diberi e-book "Mental fitness for trader". "ultimate trading system", " trading for living", "Betras trader manual", " Forex Basic" dan juga video pembelajaran insentif untuk memahami swing trade yg kesemuanya bernilai USD550.00.
5. Kami akan ajar decipline sebagai forex trader. 95% forex trader gagal kerana tidak berdisiplin and ketahanan mental yg tidak cukup kuat.
6. Perkhidmatan membuka account pada broker yg bertauliah.
7. Kemua package diatas hanya bernilai RM2300.00 sahaja dan latihan hanya mengambil masa 1 ke 2 hari.
8. Kami mengajar apa yg practical sahaja, kerana ia amat mudah dan anda tidak perlu melakukan tecnikal analysis. semakin kita tahu banyak perkara didalam forex akan menyebabkan kita tidak dapat membuat untung, sebaliknya kerugian.
9. InsyaAllah kami ajar teknik forex yg Halal dari segi pandangan islam iaitu forex spot (Stoploss, entry and take profit). kami tidak mengajar teknik Hedging, foward atau mengambil untung dari swap (carry trade) sila lihat video "forex dari perpektif islam"
*Hubungi kami melalui:
* jika anda trader yg berpengalaman dan mahukan indikator sahaja boleh menghubungi kami seperti email diatas dan cara pembayaran akan diberitahu.

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